The user agrees that all reports submitted and received will be subject to the following conditions. All reports will be kept strictly confidential, no information from reports will be revealed to any other person, except one in which duty requires. The user certifies that these reports will be ordered only when intended to be used for employment purposes, or in connection with a legitimate business or association’s need in connection with transactions involving the consumer or public. The user also agrees to comply with any applicable state requirements concerning access to or use of motor vehicle records, credit reports, criminal records, drug testing or any other related reports governed by the individual states.
The user agrees to hold Employment Screening, Inc., its officers, employees and any company Employment Screening, Inc. uses to obtain reports, harmless from and against any expense or damages resulting from the publishing of report information contrary to these conditions. The user, understands that Employment Screening, Inc. cannot be responsible for the record keeping practices of third parties such as, but not limited to; the department of motor vehicles, county, state and federal courts, state repositories, state and regional prisons, local police stations, federal bankruptcy courts, federal civil courts, state medical boards and other professional licensing organizations, and other local, state and federal organizations. The user recognizes that information is secured by and through fallible human sources.
The user agrees to release Employment Screening, Inc., its officers and employees from liability for any errors and/or omissions contained in reports prepared by third parties and from any loss or expense suffered by the user directly or indirectly from Employment Screening, Inc. reports.